
Friday, July 22, 2011

Hit or Miss

Yep, that's me.  
And that face pretty much encapsulates my exact feelings about this week.  
And no, I wasn't drunk.  And yes, I have mastered the 'ugly face'.  You know, just one of my many talents.

It's been one of those know what I'm talking about right?  Where the only thing that's consistent is that the week has been TOTALLY inconsistent?  
I realize how insane this saying is - hit or miss.  It's quite a polarizing, black and white way of looking at things.  But isn't that sometimes, how life feels?  Like you've either got it or you don't?  Isn't that the constant struggle of most women, and men for that matter...finding balance in their lives...finding the happy medium that exists somewhere between hit and miss?  I'm starting to wonder if that place ACTUALLY exists.  Perhaps it's like Neverland, and it exists only in that space between sleep and awake.  
It's gotten mighty tiring living at these two extremes this week; and I'm glad I've somehow made it to Friday.  I can see you Saturday...and you've never looked better.  
And at the risk of sounding ridiculous the only that is going through my head right now is Anne's cheerful voice, "Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?"  Why yes, yes it is.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Walk About

It's not a particularly grey day fact it's quite beautiful outside.  However, I woke up rather wistful this morning, and have decided I am in the right mood for a walk through the park.  You know, one of those walks where the only soundtrack is the sound of your feet on the path and thoughts in your head?

Thanks for joining me.

Monday, July 18, 2011


In February we traveled across the pond to "jolly ol' London" to attend the Percy Grainger Festival.  Arguably my husband's favorite composer, we couldn't miss the opportunity to attend.  One of the days, Matt attended a day of lectures while I opted out in order to get to know London a bit better (in other words, I went walking for hours). This was my third time in London, and I'd always considered the city more like a 'friend of a friend' having experienced with die-hard anglophiles.  So, I was really excited to explore London and perhaps develop my own unique relationship with London. :)

(As a side note, we had no idea that it was London fashion week, and somehow I ended up behind security lines at the Top Shop fashion show (outside the building).  I only realized I had made a wrong turn when I was faced with a bevy of paparazzi, who were VERY disappointed when I turned the corner. Oh well.)

I snapped some pictures on my walk, of things I took a fancy to and having been playing around with them in Picnick.

I have so many more pictures, but I think I'll just leave it at that. :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Brain (and photo) dump

It's been a really long time since I've written a blog post.  I need to get the mojo flowing so, expect some posts of utter randomness from me, just dumping thoughts and some favorite pictures from the summer in hopes that inspiration for some semblance of a coherent post will come.

This is the husband and me (whilst a pickle ball tournament went on in the background) during our recent visit to Kansas for the Fourth of July to see some of my family.  His smile makes me melt.  (And yes, those are faux designer sunglasses. I'm not label obsessed I'm just cheap - turns out faux designer glasses are cheaper than Target brand - they were only ten bucks at a kiosk in the mall, who knew?)

I started editing messing around with some of our wedding pictures (we got married in October, 2009) but I got overwhelmed by the fact that there are 2400 of them to go through.  Still, it's so much fun to go back through the photos and relive the day.  I remember feeling such overwhelming joy and peace the day of the our wedding.  Yes, there were harried moments, and some frantic last minute scrambling, but more than anything I just remember being so filled with joy.

Speaking of joy...this face brings me endless amounts:
This is our cat, Thomas.  Matt's trying to teach him how to walk on a leash/harness.  He has a lot of theories about how to achieve this goal, unfortunately Thomas seems to feel that playing possum is the answer to all of them. 

These are my sisters.  They are gorgeous...and smart, funny, talented...the list goes on and on.  

These photos were taken on Easter Sunday (my favorite religious holiday of the year!).  Growing up our mom made our Easter dresses every year, and it was always something each one of us looked forward to.  The tradition still continues (in a way) in that each year we all look forward to finding that new Easter dress.  There's always something wonderful about buying a new dress, wouldn't you agree?

Matt and I share the same computer and one day he made this collage and put it as our desktop wallpaper.  It was such a wonderful surprise.  We look so much younger here, I think.  This was three or so years ago at a friends wedding.  We were waiting to be called into dinner and we started an impromptu photo shoot.  The photos are taken by a wonderful friend of our who has recently started up her own photography business.  

Last but not least, I thought I'd share this little chestnut.  

I was going through some pictures when we had visited the San Diego Zoo, and realized the pose of the meerkat struck me as familiar in a way.  When I realized why, I couldn't help but share. :)